Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Caleb's Blog

Hi! My name is Caleb. I have one brother named Connor. My favorite show is Clone Wars. My favorite friends are Cal, Connor, Sam, Chase O., Chace M., and Huck.
This is me and Sam wearing the same clothes!
My favorite book is I Survived. Me and Chase O. go to the same church.
At school I like to read and write. We did a project called Market Day. I created and sold baseball cards to almost 600 kids!
Me and my friend, Chase O, sold our products together at Market Day!
I also like to play with my friends at recess. My teacher, Mrs. Evans, is a real OHIO STATE fans and I brought this magazine in for her from Sports Illustrated.
What is your favorite thing to do at school?


  1. Dear Caleb,
    Who is your best friend out of all of your friends? At school, I like to play baseball at BASE. At school, I like to do addition.
    Your friends,
    Mrs. Evans' Star Surfers

  2. my favorite thing to do at school is playing with my friends.
    who is your best friend out of all your friends.
    my friends are Aaron,royce,maeher,chacem,and you.
    your friend,

    1. Dear Nathan,
      I do not know which is my favorite friend.

  3. Dear Caleb,
    My favorite thing to do at school is do math. who is your best friend?

  4. Dear Caleb
    At school i like to do math. Who is your best friend is the in hole world?
    Do you like minecraft and prodigy!
    from Ariel

  5. HI Caleb

    I love your blog. My favorite thing to do at base is play baseball . Your friend CHASE.

    1. Hi Chase,
      I also love baseball
      Your friendcaleb

  6. Dear,Caleb
    At school I like to math. Whats your favorite color?Who is your first best friend?

  7. Dear Caleb
    Who is your best friend.What your favorite color.And what's is your favorite food.
    your friend Krishelle

  8. Dear Caleb,
    At school, i Like to make art projetcs!!!! I Love OHIO!!! How many friends do you have?

  9. Dear Caleb,
    My favorite thing to do at school is regroup in math! What is your favorite color? What is your favorite animal?
    Your friend, Lea

  10. HI Caleb like your blog. do you like you miss cal.

  11. Dear Caleb
    Im going to post a video of you know the blue fox.Im having a new chapter book called booger boy.and a book called chicken man my sisters comic book.And is going to have a new chapter called fancy doggy.

  12. Dear Caleb,
    my favorite thing to do at school is being star surfer.

  13. Dear Caleb
    what is your favorite color.Ho is your favorite friend. my favorite thing about
    school is playing pandas

  14. Hi Caleb
    Who is your best friend out of all of your friends ChaseO ChaceM SamS Cal and Connor ? My favorite school activity is math.
    your friend Keira

  15. Hi Caleb
    You are my Best Friend ever. Is your favorite movie star wars? my'n is the Boss Baby!

  16. Dear Caleb,
    My favorite thing to do at school is playing sports at BASE.That picture of us was so long ago I don't now how you remembered that long.What's your favorite food?your friend,

  17. Dear Caleb,
    i like the pichure with sam and you wearing the favorilte thing to do shool is play prodigy.

    Dear Caleb,
    I like the pichure with sam wearing the same

  18. Dear Caleb
    I LOVE your picture. Your A nice friend. Your the best

  19. Dear Celeb,
    Do you like minecraft ? What is your favorite movie? what favorite toy?
    your friend Dylan

  20. Dear Caleb,
    do you like wach minecraft?what toy do you like. do you like prodge or minecraft?
    From, Sophia A.
