Sunday, December 20, 2015

Family Interview Project!

Did you learn a lot from your Family Interview Project? Who did you interview? What was the coolest thing you learned from your oldest relative? I loved hearing your stories from the past. After interviewing your relative, we logged onto and created some cool tours of our family’s history. Check out all of our hard work! If your link doesn’t work, you may have forgotten to check your share settings...or you need to finish :)

Rohin, Reiver, Hailey, Cedric, Parker, Wesley, Jairo, Riley, Priya, Jay,Courtney, Leila, Emma, Emma #2, Jacob, Olivia, Analisa, Yasalde, Ashlynn, Emily, Sarah, Yuvraj, Sophie, Sebastian, Noah, Abby, Ayden, Nathalia, Alyssa

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hello my name is Analisa and this is my blog! I love Minecraft, art and math! In math, we get to play games in our MATH workshop. Here is a picture of Place Value Uno and I also get to teach to the class.
Place Value Uno
Me teaching a math lesson
I love cooking, helping and also Shopkins. My active movement is soccer and theater. Mrs. Evans came to one of my plays called, Annie when I performed in Elk Grove. 
I love puzzles, mazes, quizzes and most of all arts and crafts! Since I love arts and crafts so much, for Market Day, I made Rainbow Looms with my group! I have a cat and might get a fish! What is your favorite thing I wrote about?
Rainbow Loom Group
Me selling my Market Day Project

Friday, December 4, 2015

Hailey's Blog

The first day of school!

Hi my name is Hailey and this is my blog. At home, I like to go swimming and I like to go to the beach. I also like to cook. I go to my friend’s house to do Art. I have 1 pet and my dog’s name is Max.  
Meet the Teacher day!

My favorite thing in school is reading,Think-o-Grams (brain teaser), and math. We do special chair days where get to sit on lawn chairs, wobble chairs, bucket chairs, exercise balls, a couch, the Surf chair, or a rocking chair.
My brother even came to be a mystery reader this year! He's in 5th grade!
Mrs. Evans lets us be "math teachers" during our lessons!
My favorite chair is the Star Surfer chair. We like to play Prodigy. We do student/teacher points where if the students are good they get a point, but if the students are making poor choices, the teacher gets a point. One of my favorite activities we’ve done at school this year is called Market Day. This is where we learned goods and services and I provided a good to Star Academy. My group and I made clay creations. We got 58 tickets!! It was so much fun, but it was really hot in the cafeteria.
This is me selling my clay creation to Mrs. Evans' daughter who is in kindergarten!
I love Star Academy!! What is your favorite thing about our awesome school?